Head to Head Stats are updated every 3 days during Ranking Season.
Head-to-Head Opponent: Southwest MN State U
Tournament | When | Rank @ Event | Opp Rank @ Event | Strokes | Opp Strokes | Stroke Difference | Points Available | Points Gained | Opp Points Gained |
Wildwood Lodge Invitational | Sep 18-19 | 64 | 57 | 715 | 662 | +53 | 5546.67 | 0.00 | 5546.67 |
RMAC/NSIC Crossover | Oct 2-3 | 64 | 57 | 710 | 669 | +41 | 5546.67 | 0.00 | 5546.67 |
NSIC Fall Championship | Oct 8, 2011 | 64 | 57 | 713 | 672 | +41 | 5546.67 | 0.00 | 5546.67 |
The Classic Club Invitational | Mar 7-8 | 92 | 43 | 755 | 719 | +36 | 5636.00 | 0.00 | 5636.00 |
NSIC Spring Championship | Apr 21-22 | 95 | 57 | 343 | 324 | +19 | 2631.00 | 0.00 | 2631.00 |