Palm Beach Atlantic - Men  

Head to Head Stats are updated every 3 days during Ranking Season.

Team Meetings Stroke
Wins Losses Ties
Findlay, U. of 1 -67 1 0 0
Eckerd College 3 -42 2 1 0
California Baptist 1 +19 0 1 0
SE Oklahoma State 1 +30 0 1 0
Central Oklahoma 1 +31 0 1 0
Carson-Newman University 1 +36 0 1 0
Georgia College 1 +39 0 1 0
Newberry College 1 +40 0 1 0
Mount Olive, Univ. of 1 +42 0 1 0
Midwestern State 1 +43 0 1 0
CSU-Monterey Bay 1 +44 0 1 0
St. Thomas Aquinas 1 +45 0 1 0
Columbus State 1 +48 0 1 0
Flagler College 1 +50 0 1 0
Wilmington (DE) 2 +56 0 2 0
Central Missouri 1 +61 0 1 0
Armstrong 2 +63 0 2 0
Rollins College 2 +80 0 2 0
Valdosta St. U. 2 +80 0 2 0
Indianapolis, U. of 2 +86 0 2 0
University of West Florida 2 +103 0 2 0
Tampa, U. of 6 +126 2 4 0
Florida Southern Col 2 +132 0 2 0
Saint Leo University 3 +164 0 3 0
Barry University 3 +199 0 3 0
Florida Tech 4 +205 0 4 0
Nova Southeastern U. 3 +241 0 3 0
Lynn University 4 +272 0 4 0