Southwestern Christian - Men  

Head to Head Stats are updated every 3 days during Ranking Season.

Team Meetings Stroke
Wins Losses Ties
Bacone College 3 -245 3 0 0
Central Christian 3 -205 3 0 0
Bethel College - KS 1 -124 1 0 0
Hastings College 1 -77 1 0 0
Central Baptist 2 -63 2 0 0
Lyon College 1 -63 1 0 0
Mid-America Christ. 6 -62 5 1 0
Oklahoma Wesleyan U. 2 -58 2 0 0
Spring Arbor Univ. 1 -45 1 0 0
John Brown Univ. 3 -35 1 1 1
Central Methodist U. 1 -31 1 0 0
Sterling College 3 -7 3 0 0
Hannibal-LaGrange 1 -6 1 0 0
Bethel University IN 1 -5 1 0 0
Baker University 1 +7 0 1 0
Avila University 1 +15 0 1 0
Southern Wesleyan U. 1 +16 0 1 0
Graceland University 1 +17 0 1 0
Simpson University 1 +17 0 1 0
Missouri Valley 1 +24 0 1 0
Northwood U. - TX 1 +26 0 1 0
Our Lady of the Lake 1 +26 0 1 0
Missouri Baptist U. 1 +29 0 1 0
Southeastern Univ. 1 +30 0 1 0
St. Thomas Univ. -FL 1 +36 0 1 0
Bethany College 1 +42 0 1 0
Campbellsville U. 1 +42 0 1 0
Indiana Wesleyan U. 1 +43 0 1 0
Grand View Univ. 1 +46 0 1 0
The Master's University 1 +62 0 1 0
Wayland Baptist U. 1 +63 0 1 0
Texas Wesleyan U. 1 +65 0 1 0
Oklahoma Baptist U. 3 +92 0 3 0
Oklahoma City U. 2 +133 0 2 0