Head to Head Stats are updated every 3 days during Ranking Season.
Head-to-Head Opponent: East Tennessee State
Tournament | When | Rank @ Event | Opp Rank @ Event | Strokes | Opp Strokes | Stroke Difference | Points Available | Points Gained | Opp Points Gained |
Bank of Tennessee @ Blackthorn | Oct 14-16 | 35 | 174 | 910 | 894 | +16 | 10734.00 | 1717.44 | 7299.12 |
Northern Intercollegiate | Sep 9-11 | 38 | 141 | 889 | 919 | -30 | 10911.00 | 5455.50 | 0.00 |
Furman Intercollegiate | Mar 16-18 | 32 | 140 | 853 | 886 | -33 | 10844.00 | 5422.00 | 0.00 |
Puerto Rico Classic | Feb 19-21 | 34 | 136 | 867 | 924 | -57 | 10689.00 | 7482.30 | 0.00 |