Head to Head Stats are updated every 3 days during Ranking Season.
Head-to-Head Opponent: Central Connecticut
Tournament | When | Rank @ Event | Opp Rank @ Event | Strokes | Opp Strokes | Stroke Difference | Points Available | Points Gained | Opp Points Gained |
Adams Cup of Newport | Sep 20-21 | 144 | 212 | 897 | 893 | +4 | 8511.00 | 1957.53 | 4595.94 |
C&F Bank Intercollegiate | Mar 21-22 | 141 | 170 | 588 | 589 | -1 | 5392.67 | 2804.19 | 2588.48 |
Wildcat Invitational | Apr 3-4 | 114 | 164 | 581 | 622 | -41 | 5926.00 | 5037.10 | 0.00 |