Head to Head Stats are updated every 3 days during Ranking Season.
Head-to-Head Opponent: Missouri St. U.
Tournament | When | Rank @ Event | Opp Rank @ Event | Strokes | Opp Strokes | Stroke Difference | Points Available | Points Gained | Opp Points Gained |
Gene Miranda Falcon Invite | Sep 7-9 | 60 | 122 | 888 | 871 | +17 | 9955.00 | 3086.05 | 6868.95 |
Loyola Intercollegiate | Feb 23-25 | 126 | 128 | 878 | 864 | +14 | 10133.00 | 3445.22 | 6687.78 |
The Jackrabbit | Sep 30 - Oct 2 | 60 | 122 | 888 | 883 | +5 | 9955.00 | 4380.20 | 5574.80 |
Missouri Tiger Invite by COG | Apr 8-9 | 121 | 123 | 861 | 859 | +2 | 10311.00 | 4949.28 | 5361.72 |
The Twin Oaks Intercollegiate | Mar 11-12 | 108 | 112 | 565 | 573 | -8 | 6963.34 | 4386.90 | 2576.44 |
Bubba Barnett Intercollegiate | Apr 1-2 | 129 | 122 | 886 | 896 | -10 | 10155.00 | 6194.55 | 3960.45 |
SIUE Derek Dolenc Invitational | Sep 24-25 | 60 | 122 | 842 | 875 | -33 | 9955.00 | 9955.00 | 0.00 |