Head to Head Stats are updated every 3 days during Ranking Season.
Head-to-Head Opponent: Yale University
Tournament | When | Rank @ Event | Opp Rank @ Event | Strokes | Opp Strokes | Stroke Difference | Points Available | Points Gained | Opp Points Gained |
The Doc Gimmler | Sep 12-13 | 188 | 179 | 852 | 825 | +27 | 7867.00 | 0.00 | 7867.00 |
Ivy League Championship | Apr 22-24 | 204 | 206 | 923 | 919 | +4 | 6734.00 | 3097.64 | 3636.36 |
Princeton Invitational | Apr 9-10 | 202 | 220 | 579 | 578 | +1 | 4192.67 | 2012.48 | 2180.19 |