Head to Head Stats are updated every 3 days during Ranking Season.
Head-to-Head Opponent: Western Illinois U.
Tournament | When | Rank @ Event | Opp Rank @ Event | Strokes | Opp Strokes | Stroke Difference | Points Available | Points Gained | Opp Points Gained |
The Twin Oaks Intercollegiate | Mar 20-21 | 182 | 213 | 888 | 877 | +11 | 7155.00 | 2311.06 | 4436.10 |
Colin Montgomerie Invitational | Feb 27-28 | 197 | 230 | 884 | 885 | -1 | 5622.00 | 2867.22 | 2754.78 |
Herb Wimberly Intercollegiate | Oct 17-18 | 238 | 218 | 894 | 903 | -9 | 5555.00 | 3333.00 | 2222.00 |