Winston-Salem State - Men  

Head to Head Stats are updated every 3 days during Ranking Season.

Team Meetings Stroke
Wins Losses Ties
Elizabeth City St. U 4 -583 4 0 0
Johnson C. Smith Univ. 4 -563 4 0 0
Livingstone 5 -506 5 0 0
St. Augustine's University 6 -308 6 0 0
Virginia Union U. 4 -234 4 0 0
Benedict College 2 -126 1 1 0
Kentucky State Univ. 1 -53 1 0 0
Chowan University 4 -43 3 1 0
Assumption College 1 -31 1 0 0
Adelphi University 1 -7 1 0 0
Paine College 1 +5 0 1 0
Goldey-Beacom College 1 +6 0 1 0
West Chester Univ. 1 +13 0 1 0
Clarion University 1 +13 0 1 0
American Int'l. Col. 1 +18 0 1 0
Virginia State U. 6 +23 3 3 0
Limestone College 1 +24 0 1 0
Bentley University 1 +27 0 1 0
Charleston, U. of 1 +28 0 1 0
Millersville U. 1 +30 0 1 0
Brevard College 1 +30 0 1 0
Concord University 1 +32 0 1 0
Bluefield St. College 1 +32 0 1 0
St. Thomas Aquinas 1 +41 0 1 0
Morehouse College 2 +43 1 1 0
Indiana Univ. of Pa. 1 +48 0 1 0
California U. of PA 1 +49 0 1 0
Pfeiffer University 1 +52 0 1 0
Lincoln University 1 +83 0 1 0
Fayetteville State 5 +186 0 5 0