St. Thomas (FL) - Men  

Head to Head Stats are updated every 3 days during Ranking Season.

Team Meetings Stroke
Wins Losses Ties
Warner University 6 -311 6 0 0
Thomas University 5 -141 5 0 0
SCAD Atlanta 2 -88 2 0 0
Southeastern Univ. 8 -66 5 3 0
Texas @ Brownsville 1 -48 1 0 0
Westminster Coll.-UT 1 -45 1 0 0
Mobile, U. of 1 -38 1 0 0
Embry-Riddle U. - FL 3 -34 2 1 0
St. Thomas - TX 1 -31 1 0 0
Houston - Victoria 1 -29 1 0 0
Faulkner University 1 -26 1 0 0
Northwood U. - TX 1 -19 1 0 0
SCAD Savannah 7 -18 3 4 0
Marian University 1 -17 1 0 0
Reinhardt University 1 -6 1 0 0
Grand View Univ. 1 -5 1 0 0
Southern Wesleyan U. 1 -4 1 0 0
Milligan College 1 E 0 0 1
Blue Mountain College 1 +6 0 1 0
Oklahoma City U. 1 +26 0 1 0
Texas Wesleyan U. 2 +26 0 2 0
Keiser 7 +36 1 6 0
Coastal Georgia 3 +53 0 3 0
Webber International 9 +69 4 5 0
Johnson & Wales U-FL 7 +83 1 6 0
So Carolina Beaufort 8 +94 2 6 0