St. Thomas (FL) - Men  

Head to Head Stats are updated every 3 days during Ranking Season.

Team Meetings Stroke
Wins Losses Ties
Warner University 4 -146 4 0 0
Thomas University 2 -69 2 0 0
Embry-Riddle U. - FL 7 -63 4 3 0
St. Francis, U of IL 1 -60 1 0 0
Southern Wesleyan U. 2 -55 2 0 0
Faulkner University 1 -52 1 0 0
Tennessee Wesleyan 1 -52 1 0 0
St. Catharine Coll. 1 -46 1 0 0
Campbellsville U. 1 -34 1 0 0
Keiser 6 -30 4 2 0
Marian University 1 -26 1 0 0
Martin Methodist Co. 1 -25 1 0 0
Southeastern Univ. 5 -23 2 3 0
Reinhardt University 1 -23 1 0 0
Cumberland Univ. 1 -7 1 0 0
Mobile, U. of 1 -6 1 0 0
Webber International 5 E 3 2 0
Uni of The Cumberlands 1 +4 0 1 0
Johnson & Wales U-FL 4 +41 0 4 0
So Carolina Beaufort 6 +84 1 5 0
SCAD Savannah 6 +89 1 5 0