Ashland University - Women  

Head to Head Stats are updated every 3 days during Ranking Season.

Team Meetings Stroke
Wins Losses Ties
Tiffin University 5 -492 5 0 0
Lake Erie College 3 -470 3 0 0
Lake Superior St. U. 5 -408 5 0 0
Northwood U. MI 6 -272 6 0 0
Ohio Dominican U. 4 -254 4 0 0
Concord University 4 -246 4 0 0
Ohio Valley Univ 2 -179 2 0 0
LeMoyne College 1 -160 1 0 0
West Liberty Univ. 1 -130 1 0 0
Upper Iowa Univ. 2 -129 2 0 0
West Virginia Wesl. 1 -120 1 0 0
Mercyhurst College 2 -118 2 0 0
Clarion University 1 -109 1 0 0
Bellarmine Univ. 2 -105 2 0 0
Kentucky Wesleyan 1 -100 1 0 0
Findlay, U. of 9 -91 7 2 0
Ferris State Univ. 7 -89 7 0 0
North Georgia, Univ. of 1 -81 1 0 0
St Cloud St 1 -79 1 0 0
West Chester Univ. 1 -78 1 0 0
Erskine College 1 -74 1 0 0
Gannon University 4 -70 3 1 0
Concordia-St. Paul 2 -69 2 0 0
Seton Hill Univ. 1 -68 1 0 0
Kutztown University 1 -56 1 0 0
Southern Indiana 3 -53 3 0 0
Illinois-Springfield 1 -50 1 0 0
Southwest MN State U 1 -43 1 0 0
Mount Olive College 1 -42 1 0 0
Walsh University 1 -42 1 0 0
Queens Univ of Charl 1 -33 1 0 0
Missouri-St. Louis 2 -33 2 0 0
West Florida, U of 1 -30 1 0 0
Lewis University 1 -29 1 0 0
Western New Mexico 1 -27 1 0 0
Augustana College-SD 1 -15 1 0 0
Saint Leo University 1 +8 0 1 0
MSU Mankato 1 +14 0 1 0
Barry University 1 +15 0 1 0
Drury University 2 +15 0 2 0
St. Edwards Univ. 1 +17 0 1 0
Indianapolis, U. of 3 +49 1 2 0
California Univ - PA 7 +53 0 6 1
Grand Valley State 6 +95 0 6 0